Are you fast enough to keep up with the speed? Love tapping games? Try Stop The Drop!!!
Stop the Drop combines the unique element of fast-paced game with accuracy based game!!
Stop the Drop is easy to play but difficult to master!!
Simple game play:
The balls start to fall from the top and your goal is to remove the them before they reach the bottom. You get points for each ball you remove. As the game moves forward , the speed of balls increases and thereby making it more challenging. The game ends once a ball manages to reach the bottom.
Simple tap controls:
Use your fingers to tap on the screen . If you tap on the ball, they will be removed!!
Save your scores, and brag among your friends!!
Take on the top players,earn a spot on the leaderboard!!
With leaderboard you can play and compete with your friends as well as the rest of the world!!
Download Stop The Drop now! Its a perfect game for a small break as well as for long hours!!
Apakah Anda cukup cepat untuk bersaing dengan kecepatan? Cinta menekan game? Coba Hentikan Drop !!!
Menghentikan Drop menggabungkan elemen unik dari permainan cepat dengan permainan berdasarkan akurasi !!
Menghentikan Drop mudah untuk bermain, tapi sulit untuk menguasai !!
Sederhana bermain game:
Bola mulai jatuh dari atas dan tujuan Anda adalah untuk menghapus mereka sebelum mereka mencapai bagian bawah. Anda mendapatkan poin untuk setiap bola Anda menghapus. Sebagai permainan bergerak maju, kecepatan bola meningkat dan dengan demikian membuatnya lebih menantang. Permainan berakhir setelah bola berhasil mencapai bagian bawah.
Kontrol Sederhana tekan:
Gunakan jari Anda untuk menekan layar. Jika Anda menekan pada bola, mereka akan dihapus !!
Simpan skor Anda, dan membual antara teman-teman Anda !!
Mengambil pemain top, mendapatkan tempat di leaderboard !!
Dengan leaderboard Anda dapat bermain dan bersaing dengan teman serta seluruh dunia !!
Ambil Berhenti Drop sekarang! Yang permainan yang sempurna untuk istirahat kecil serta selama berjam-jam !!
Are you fast enough to keep up with the speed? Love tapping games? Try Stop The Drop!!!
Stop the Drop combines the unique element of fast-paced game with accuracy based game!!
Stop the Drop is easy to play but difficult to master!!
Simple game play:
The balls start to fall from the top and your goal is to remove the them before they reach the bottom. You get points for each ball you remove. As the game moves forward , the speed of balls increases and thereby making it more challenging. The game ends once a ball manages to reach the bottom.
Simple tap controls:
Use your fingers to tap on the screen . If you tap on the ball, they will be removed!!
Save your scores, and brag among your friends!!
Take on the top players,earn a spot on the leaderboard!!
With leaderboard you can play and compete with your friends as well as the rest of the world!!
Download Stop The Drop now! Its a perfect game for a small break as well as for long hours!!